Thursday, December 13, 2007

Mrs. Rhonda Johnson's Speech Text

This is the speech text presented by Mrs. Johnson at the December Board Meeting:

My name is Rhonda Johnson. I graduated from Bernie High School in 1974. I have been employed by the district for 22 years. I am here today as a representative of the Bernie School Classified Staff.

It has been heard in the community that the staff morale at Bernie School District is very low. It has also been quoted that the classified staff are being treated as lower class individuals. As members of the classified staff we take exception to having these blanket statements made about our entire portion of the staff. In light of that we decided to take this opportunity to let you, and the community, know how we feel about our jobs and the atmosphere here.

We gave every classified staff member the opportunity to speak their own minds by use of a survey with space for additional comments at the end. Due to time constraints we are not going to take the time to read each individual comment now; however, there is a complete list in your folders. Please take that list home with you and consider this. If you were supervising 82 people in your business, you took the third of those people who were making the least amount of money and asked them about how they felt about the jobs they held with your company would you have received the support reflected in the comments before you?

We love our jobs; we are proud of the accomplishments of the students who pass through these halls; we get along with our peers as well as the certified staff. We respect this administrative team. Those of us who have been here the longest have stated that we think this is the best administrative team that Bernie has had during our terms of employment. We might not agree with every action or decision they make but very few of us reach the status of perfection this side of Heaven.

During the past month’s board meeting the Board of Education, against recommendations of the administration, awarded at $1,963 increase in salary to a single classified staff position.

In the past when salary increases were considered they were considered for all employees, classified and certified, at the same time. Even the administrators are awarded increases in salary according to salary schedule increases. This assures that even the administration is not awarded increases to salary when the rest of the staff is not receiving increases.

We feel that the selection of this individual position for special consideration mid-year is an affront to each and every person who is here every day, keeping their head down, doing their job to the best of their ability.

We are not requesting salary increases. However, we would like to request that the Board keep in mind that there are 82 employees in this District, the bulk of which try very hard to do the best job they can. Exclusion of 81 of those employees when special consideration is being given to one is not in the best interest of the District.

We would never presume to ask you to be a rubber stamp for every administrative recommendation. However, when members of the Board completely disregard recommendations of the administration one has to wonder what is going on behind the scene. Have you honestly done your homework and for some reason you do not agree with their opinion or are you letting your personal vendetta cloud your judgment?

You were elected with the promise to support and protect this school district. Can you honestly tell yourselves and this community that the turmoil being fostered right now is good for the school and community?

In closing we reiterate:

1. We are proud of the students of the Bernie School District and all or their academic and athletic accomplishments.

2. The staff, certified and classified, are getting along just fine. All families have a few disgruntled members and we may have a few of our own but as a whole the morale of the staff is good.

3. All members of this administrative team have been supportive and willing to help us in any way possible.

4. While we might not agree with every decision Ms. Ritchie makes, we have never had a doubt that her decisions were based on a true belief that it was the right decision for the student, staff member, school and community. A few of you have been quoted as stating you have trust issues with Ms. Ritchie. We have a few trust issues of our own, but they are not now and have never been with Ms. Ritchie.

5. Please put your personal vendetta aside. Let the school right itself emotionally and get on with the business of educating our children.

We thank you for your time and consideration.

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