Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Challenge to the Candidates

Greetings all you readers. I have a challenge to offer up to all the Board Member Candidates:

I challenge you all to show up at a Town Hall style meeting where the district voters can ask you questions and hear your answers. I believe this would be beneficial to help clear the air, provide the community a chance to ask their questions, and hear the various positions each person has re: the questions the community has on their minds.

My challenge to the school employees: I challenge every school employee to get involved in the campaigns of your Board members. Choose your candidates of choice, and get involved in their campaigns. Each one will need folks to help put out signs, banners, printed material, and go door to door to ask for votes. This is your opportunity to be involved in helping decide who is on your Board and providing direction to your District for the future. Make no excuses. Donate your time and money.

My challenge to the community: I challenge everyone in the community to get involved in your elections. Donate your time and money to get involved in your campaigns. This is your local school and you all need to be involved. Do not take for granted any election. Exercise your rights and get out the word to VOTE!

Do you see my Vision? Speak to me.

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